Our leadership team brings years of experience in the public, private, state, national, and international sectors of education. We are results driven, with a proven record of previous successes.
Meet the team.
KIm is a veteran elementary and middle school teacher. She is a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT), former Director of Standards at National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, and Past President of the National Council for the Social Studies. Her work in educational leadership and group facilitation reaches national and international sectors.
Stephen is a long-time educator and educational leader. He has taught and led teachers at all levels of education. Steve is a past-president of the National Council for the Social Studies, and the social studies consultant for the Connecticut State Department of Education. He was a major writing of the 2014 Connecticut Social Studies Frameworks. Steve also instructs student teachers at Central Connecticut State University. He has given dozens of workshops at the local, state, and national level on inquiry instruction in social studies and on the use of music in social studies instruction.